3-5 Oktober kemarin ada Korea-Indonesia Festival gitu di Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan. Sebenarnya udah lama banget gw pengen maen ke Lotte which is dengar2 mall itu Korea banget, so sekalian deh.. mumpung lagi ada k-fest juga.
Hal lain yang juga attracting gw banget adalah karena gw pengen nyobain makan di School Food Blooming Mari, which is you know what??? Itu restoran dari Korea yang di Korea-nya di pake shooting EXO's Showtime... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.... can't be excited more... ^^
Emang sih enaknya di sana makan rame-rame, karena porsinya lumayan besar dan harganya cukup bikin kantong miris. But the taste is yum... beneran deh, gw waktu itu nyobain squid mari alias kimbab yang isinya cumi, sama jigae ramyeon yang suprisingly ga pedes sama sekali (soalnya gw expect semua makanan korea yg warnanya merah2 itu pasti pedas hehe...) and lastly nyobain topokki... dan kalau yang satu ini is totally super hot... tapi tetap enak, apalagi makannya waktu masih panas... toek atau rice cake-nya itu kenyal dan empuk, but in my opinion kalau sausnya diganti pake tomato sauce with a little bit soy sauce and vinegear must be suitable for me... hehe... (because i can't really take a spicy food). But still... it surpass my expectation... so it was great!!!
>>Uwwwaaaaa.... Look at the food...
Abis Makan gw nyambangin main stage festivalnya and watching the spectaculer performance from The Painters Hero. I know... i know... many people maybe still unfamiliar with this group. So i'll give a brief explanation. So, The Painters Hero is a non-verbal performance that stage the entire process of painting combined with incredible visual effects and a witty blend of mime, dance, and comedy. Gw juga sebenarnya ga tahu sama sekali tentang mereka sebelumnya, but honestly after watching their performance i'm being a fan. Uwwwwwaaah... perform-nya daebak... keyeeeen buangeeets... all thumbs up!!!
>> Ini beberapa pics yg gw take waktu itu, but i think u should watch it the show to know how great they are...
Sesi berikutnya adalah selfie... haha... Thanks to Lotte Duty Free yang nyediain a lot of venue buat narsis2an... :p
>>Look at that palm print... those are Suju's member... how cute...
>> And I finally meet Haha Oppa sibling... Pororo-sshi... hehe...
>>It was a free offering from Lotte to take a pic wearing hanbok... and a good women never refuse something free right... hehe...
toodles ^^
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